छत्तीसगढ़ में मौसम एक बार फिर करवट लेता नजर आ रहा है। मौसम विभाग ने राज्य में एक बार फिर बारिश के आसार जताए हैं, खासकर सरगुजा जिले में। इस बार भारी बारिश की संभावना को लेकर चेतावनी जारी की गई है, जिससे स्थानीय निवासियों में सतर्कता का माहौल है। मौसम विभाग के अनुसार, […]
Surguja district is located in the northern part of Chhattisgarh State of India. The presence of various temples stone carvings and archaic remains show the evidence of existence of this region before Christ(B.C.).
In 4Th B.C. Before the arrival of maurya dynasty,this region was in the Lord of Nanda clan. Before 3 B.C. this region was divided into tiny parts and their headman after quarrel among themselves.
Then a Rajputa kings belongs to Rakshal clan in palamu district (Bihar) attacked and taken in his control. In 1820 Amar singh was the Kings of Surguja state who had been crowned as “Maharaja” in 1826. In 1882 Raghunath Sharan Singh Deo had taken his control over Surguja state who has been conferred as “Maharaja” by Lord Daffariu.
After the contemporary victory of India he established Edward Middle School, Post Office ,Telegraph Office ,Medical stores ,jail and courts in Ambikapur, capital of Surguja. Major population comprises tribal population. Among these primitive tribes are Pando and Korwa , who are still living in forest, the Pando tribes believes themselves as the member of “Pandav” clan of epic Mahabharat.
Korwa tribes believes to be member of “Kauravs” of Mahabharata.
About 58% of the area in the district lies under forests. The flora of Nazzul and other areas are changing frequently with the human activities and land-use Climate, soil and biotic factors are the functions of natural vegetation.
Out of these three climate factor which includes rainfall, temperature and their combination along with seasonal variations too. Adequate moisture results in luxuriant growth of forests, big and small trees, shrubs, climbers, parasite etc.
In Surguja rainfall varies between 100-200 cms, mean annual temperature260C-270C and humidity 60-80% resulting monsoon deciduous forests.
The tree of such forests shed their leaves during spring and early summer when the storage of water is more acute. Reductions of sub-soil water table are not enough to allow the trees to keep their leaves all the year around. These forests are the most important forests, yielding commercial timber and various other forest products of high value.
- Surguja District
- surguja Tehsil
- Block Surguja
- Nagar Nigam Surguja